You can continue to be treated under your Navy Health membership at all Healthscope hospitals. Learn more.


Making Claims

Mobile App

Members can claim using our Navy Health App. To download the App go to the App Store or Google Play Store.

Electronic Claiming

All you need is your Navy Health membership card to use the electronic claiming system. After a consultation, the service provider will swipe your card through the electronic claiming facility, enter the claim details and process the claim on your behalf.

Once the transaction has been authorised by Navy Health electronically, you simply pay the balance to the provider. The balance is the difference between the fee charged for the treatment and the amount covered by Navy Health. Ask your provider if they are connected to an electronic claiming system.

Online Claiming

You can make claims for Extras services through the Member Portal. Simply upload a photo or PDF of your receipt and submit – it’s that easy! To learn more about claiming for Extras services through the Member Portal, click here.

Post, email and fax

A completed Navy Health claim form must accompany all manually submitted claims. Benefits will be paid via direct deposit into a nominated bank account (within Australia and excluding credit cards). Navy Health will hold the submitted receipts on your behalf; we are unable to return receipts.

Access a Navy Health claim form here.

Natural Therapies and Recognised Providers

Natural therapies include Acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicine, Myotherapy, Remedial Massage Therapy and Exercise Physiology.

Benefits are only payable for services rendered by a recognised provider in a private practice. Benefits are not payable on any prescribed medications, herbal or dietary preparations, or organised weight reduction programs.

The provider registration process for Natural Therapy services, including the issuing of provider numbers, is managed by the Australian Regional Health Group (ARHG) or Exercise and Sports Science Australia (ESSA) on behalf of Navy Health Limited.

Natural Therapy providers must be eligible members of an association that the ARHG recognises or a member of ESSA for benefits to be payable.

Medically Prescribed Appliances (MPA)

A referral from a registered practitioner must accompany MPA claims. This must be accompanied with a receipt showing your full name, date of purchase, name of device and details of the service provider the device was purchased from. (If purchased from a pharmacy, an official pharmacy receipt will be accepted.) The following are examples of items that can be claimed under the MPA category: Nebulisers*, Humidifiers*, Blood Glucose Monitors*, Heart Rate/Blood Pressure Monitors*, Support Aids/Mobility Aids, Compression Garments, Non-cosmetic Prosthesis (Premium Extras only), and TENS Machine/Circulation Booster*.

The MPA category also covers hire and repairs to appliances, up to the annual limit for this category.

*Navy Health will not pay benefits on any services, treatments or products received outside of Australia or when purchased from a provider without an Australian Business Number (ABN). As a consequence, we strongly advise all members to consider travel insurance when travelling overseas to cover emergency expenses when outside of Australia.

CPAP devices

A CPAP device cannot be purchased more than once in any three (3) year period. The maximum three year replacement period commences on the first date of purchase.

Department of Veterans’ Affairs

Gold Cardholders

Members who become Veteran Gold Cardholders have the option of retaining or cancelling their cover with Navy Health. Where a member chooses to retain their coverage, benefits will be paid on out-of-pocket costs incurred after the Veteran Card payment; however the amount must not exceed the total charge or the Navy Health benefit limits.

For members with a Veteran Gold Card who hold top hospital coverage, Navy Health will pay the supplement (top-up) benefit for a private room in a private hospital.

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