Health cover for the Defence community
We specialise in providing Defence health insurance to the ADF community, uniformed or not. Find out about private health cover and the benefits of joining Navy Health.

Health Cover for the Defence community
We specialise in providing Defence health insurance to the ADF community, uniformed or not. Find out about private health cover and the benefits of joining Navy Health.
What is private health cover?
What is private health cover?
Private Health cover comes in two forms: Hospital Cover, for when you need to be admitted into hospital, and Extras Cover, for your everyday health care services to maintain your health and wellbeing.
Hospital Cover overview
Hospital cover overview
Private Hospital cover allows you to receive treatment as a private patient in a private hospital. It also enables you to:
Avoid public hospital waiting lists
Enjoy your own private room (subject to availability)
Choose your own specialist
Choose where you are treated including over 500 private hospitals
Hospital stays can be expensive, which is why private Hospital cover gives you the peace of mind knowing you and your family may be protected against the unexpected. The benefits paid may help alleviate doctor’s fees, cost of theatre, and the overall cost of your stay.
You can choose from three levels of cover: Gold, Silver+ and Bronze+.

Benefits of taking out Hospital Cover with Navy Health
Ambulance cover included in all of our products
Accidental injury hospital claims accepted
No annual limits for included procedures

Extras cover overview
Extras cover overview
Regular health care costs can add up over time. Extras health insurance, also known as Ancillary Cover, allows you to claim back some of the costs of your regular out-of-hospital health care services and treatments that aren’t covered by Medicare. This includes Physiotherapy, Dental, Optical, and more.
Take out an Extras cover today to gain more control over your healthcare providers and reduce your out-of-pocket expenses. Extras health cover also allows you to:
Maintain your general health and wellbeing
Keep your ongoing health care costs lower
Claim for natural therapies such as remedial massage and acupuncture
You can choose from three levels of cover: Budget, Healthy Living, and Premium Extras.
Benefits of taking out Extras Cover with Navy Health
Generous benefits included above the standard level of cover
Up to two years to submit service claims
Product benefits reset every financial year
Other reasons you should consider private health cover
Other reasons you should consider private health cover
In addition to Hospital Cover allowing you to skip the lengthy public wait lists, choose your own specialist, enjoy your own private room in a private hospital and Extras Cover enabling you to claim for services that aren’t covered by Medicare, you can also:
Pay less tax
The standard Medicare Levy is 2% of your taxable income and helps fund the costs of the public health care system. An additional Medicare Levy Surcharge of up to 1.5% is payable when you earn above $97,000 a year as a single or $194,000 a year as a family. You can avoid this additional surcharge and pay less at tax time by taking out private Hospital cover.
Avoid paying more for your cover later in life
Lifetime Health Cover loading (LHC) is a government initiative which encourages people to take out private Hospital cover and maintain it for life. You may be subject to LHC loading when you decide to take out Hospital cover after the 1st of July, following your 31st birthday. You will incur a 2% loading on your premiums for each year you are over 30 years of age, (to a maximum of 70%). The loading will be removed after ten continuous years of holding a private Hospital policy. By taking out Hospital cover at 30 years of age you’ll be able to avoid these additional costs!
Confirm your eligibility
You may be surprised to learn that you may be able to join a health insurance fund called Navy Health.
We provide great value private health insurance cover to serving or ex-serving Australian Defence Force (ADF) members, their families, and even their grandchildren! Our cover also extends to all the Australians working at a company that supplies goods or services to the ADF.
In short, if you have a connection to Defence – uniformed or not – there’s a good chance you can join us for a better deal on your health insurance.
Benefits of joining Navy Health
Benefits of joining Navy Health
Benefits of joining Navy Health
At Navy Health, we take pride in protecting those who protect us, their families, and everyone who plays a part in making that happen. That’s why we offer top-quality, and affordable Defence health insurance.
Our real strength comes from our size. It’s easy to get lost as a member of a health fund that looks after hundreds of thousands of people. Because we’re smaller, we’re more nimble and personalised. We can pay closer attention to our members in the way they want.
Whether that’s looking after their private health insurance with minimal involvement or caring for a member’s changing situation throughout their life, our local team of experts take the stress out of dealing with health insurance.
We are not-for-profit health insurance fund, so our profits don’t end up with shareholders. Rather, we use them to benefit our members by minimising premium increases and offering great value products and services.

Why Navy Health?
before profits
As a not-for-profit health insurance fund, we put members before profits, and return more back in benefits.
How happy are you with your health fund? Our members rate their satisfaction at 93%*.
Navy Health members have rated their trust with us at 86%^.
Claim in seconds with our mobile App. Available on iPhone and Android.
* Based on Navy Health’s CSAT surveys conducted from 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2023.
^ Based on Navy Health’s Trust Survey conducted in 2022.