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Paying Your Membership

How can I pay for my membership?

Membership premiums can be paid via direct debit, credit card, or via BPAY.

What happens if I miss a contribution payment?

Failure to pay membership contributions within two months of your last “paid to date” (that is, the day to which your membership is paid up), will mean your membership and entitlement to benefits will cease.  Once you have paid the arrears amount, your membership will resume and you will once again be entitled to benefits.

Direct Debit Service Agreement

This agreement (“Direct Debit Service Agreement”) outlines the terms and conditions of the direct debit arrangements between the person signing the direct debit request (“you”)
and Navy Health (“us”). You agree to be bound by these terms and conditions upon your execution of the Direct Debit Request.

Direct Debit Arrangements
We will, in accordance with the terms of the direct debit request and any other existing agreement, periodically debit the nominated account for the agreed amount(s)
The debits will occur according to the frequency you have nominated i.e. fortnightly, monthly or as agreed. The amount debited will vary according to the amount falling due
If any drawing falls due on a non-business day, it will be debited from the nominated account on the prior business day
Your rights
You can change your direct debit arrangements by calling us on 1300 306 289 at least five (5) business days prior to the next direct debit. Changes include altering arrangements, stopping an individual debit or cancelling a direct debit request completely.
We will give you at least 14 days notice by telephone or writing (including e-mail) of any change to the terms of the direct debit arrangements, unless otherwise agreed
If you believe we have drawn on your account incorrectly, please contact us on 1300 306 289 so the matter can be resolved. We will make every attempt to resolve the dispute within five (5) business days
Your Obligations
(a) You must ensure that:

(i) before completing the direct debit request, you check the account details of your nominated account are accurate (check against a recent statement from your financial institution);

(ii) your nominated account can accept direct debits (your financial institution can confirm this);

(iii) your nominated account has sufficient clear funds on the drawing date to allow payment to be made in accordance with the direct debit request and any other existing agreement between you and us.

(b) You must advise us immediately if your nominated account is not current.

(c) If any drawing is returned or dishonoured by your financial institution, we may, at our discretion, reprocess the transaction following receipt of the notification of return or dishonour, or request an alternative form of payment from you. We may also charge any dishonour fees back to you.

More Information

If you require more information regarding this agreement, please contact Navy Health on 1300 306 289.

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