You can continue to be treated under your Navy Health membership at all Healthscope hospitals. Learn more.


Who is an eligible dependant?


A dependant is defined as a child, legally adopted child or stepchild who is unmarried and who has not attained the age of 22 years.

Student Dependant

A student dependant is defined as a natural child, legally adopted child, foster child, or step-child who is over the age of 22 and under the age of 31 and not married or in a de facto relationship, and who is pursuing a fund approved full-time course of study at an Australian education facility.


Is my 22-year old dependant child still able to be covered under our family’s cover?

If your dependant is over the age of 22, unmarried, not in a de facto relationship, not studying full-time, they can still remain on the family’s Hospital cover until they either turn 27, enter into a de facto relationship or get married. To do so, your dependant will need to take up their own Young Adult Membership (YAM) Extras only policy. Learn more here.

Continuity of hospital cover, at an equivalent level of cover to that carried over from a parent’s membership will be provided when the dependant seeks cover in their own right provided the parent’s membership is still current and cover is activated within 30 days of being ineligible for inclusion under a parent’s membership. A dependant can take up membership in their own right at any time after being ineligible to continue under their parent’s cover, however some waiting periods may apply unless membership is taken up within 30 days.

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