This year’s premium increase is Navy Health’s lowest in 15 years
In February, the Minister for Health and Aged Care, the Hon. Mark Butler MP, announced his approval of the annual premium increases for all
Read moreYou can continue to be treated under your Navy Health membership at all Healthscope hospitals. Learn more.
Defence, Latest posts
Many parents know that having children can mean a busy schedule; from school drop off and pick up, sports, playdates and more. However, families with special needs children have the added doctors’ visits, therapy appointments and more. Being kind to yourself, receiving support from family and friends and from the ADF community takes them one step closer to creating a less stressful environment for the parents and child.
Accepting help from family and friends
Sometimes it’s hard to ask or accept help, especially when you have a special needs child, since you are probably used to juggling it all on your own. However, it’s important to remember that if you are feeling stressed or exhausted, it’s essential that you receive help from family and friends so you can recharge and self-care.
Prioritise your own needs
We are asked on a flight that in case of an emergency to “put your own oxygen mask first” before assisting others. This concept is a great one to apply when thinking of your own self-care. You may feel like if you weren’t around, everything will fall apart, but if you are overwhelmed and stressed you cannot help those around you in the best way possible.
You are doing a great job!
Parenting means you may have some wonderful days and some not so wonderful days. During the tough days, you may need to remind yourself that you are doing your best. Parenting can be a selfless job, so be kind to yourself and give yourself credit for all that you do for your family.
Reach out to the ADF community
The Defence Special Needs Support Group Inc is a non-profit volunteer organisation established to assist Navy, Army and Air Force families with a family member with special needs.
They are there to support and connect families with special needs children regardless of their disability or needs, as they understand the difficulties Defence families with special needs children may face.
They also provide a wide range of services from newsletters, events, family outings, advocacy for health and other related matters. You can contact them on their information line, 1800 037 674 or their email address,
For more information please go to
Blog post written by Complete Corporate Wellness. Visit their website:
In February, the Minister for Health and Aged Care, the Hon. Mark Butler MP, announced his approval of the annual premium increases for all
Read moreAt a meeting with the Chief of Navy Vice Admiral Mark Hammond on Friday 21 October 2022, Navy Health announced it is donating $72,500
Read moreMany people have the desire to save money. However you may find yourself struggling to reach your savings goal if you don’t implement good
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