You can continue to be treated under your Navy Health membership at all Healthscope hospitals. Learn more.


Am I eligible for Navy Health?

At Navy Health, we like everyone to reap the benefits of a not-for-profit company!

Don’t let the word restricted stop you! More than likely you are eligible for Navy Health’s low premiums and high benefits.

Once you’re a member of Navy Health you are entitled to lifetime membership eligibility. Therefore, if you’ve been eligible at any stage in your life, you’re welcome to join at any time in the future, even if you’re leaving the ADF or an Australian Defence contracted company. We call this our Member for Life clause.

Navy Health is a tri-service health fund open to:

Serving or ex-serving members of the Australian
Defence Force (Navy, Army and Air Force)
Ex-dependants of serving and ex-serving members of
the Australian Defence Forces
Employees of organisations contracted to provide
services to the Department of Defence
Employees of the Department of Defence
Australian Public Service employees assigned to, or
directly engaged to provide services to the Department
of Defence or ADF
Current members or former members of the ADF Reservists
Current members or former members of the ADF Cadets
You may also be able to join Navy Health if you are
related to any eligible person (above) or any person
who was a member of Navy Health as at 12 October
2007,  in any of the following ways;
→ Partners
→ Siblings
→ Children
→ Grandchildren
→ Parents

If you’re still not sure, call us on 1300 306 289.

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